Adding an introductory message to your contact form

I was recently asked to add an introductory paragraph above the default magento contact form, before any of the form fields. A static block was the most logical way to do this, so the client could modify and/or change this paragraph whenever they needed to. We first made a static block called ‘contact-welcome’, containing the intro paragraph:
We would love to hear from you.
Whether it is questions, complaints, feedback, dreams, or ideas for improvement.
Please contact us at any time.

The contact form is generated by the app>template>contact>form.phtml file. Download this from your base>default folder and place in your theme’s app>template>contact folder. At the top of the page, you are going to insert a static block at the top of the page, after the header tag and before the form post tag:[download id=”2020″]
Once we have this inserted in the form.phtml file and uploaded to our theme’s template>contact folder, it is active and is displayed right above the form fields. You can style this paragraph as needed in your stylesheet.
Good luck.

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